Exciting New Developments for
Keysborough Bowls Club
well under way!
On the 22nd January 2015, at a special meeting for all club members, the Board of Management announced a series of exciting new proposals which were put to the Council for consideration and approval. Negotiations were ongoing for some considerable time, and resulted in the approval of most of the requested improvements.
The proposals include a new verandah over the front of the building, as shown below, including re-concreting of the area near the building.
Other proposals include the installation of lights over the back green, and the replacement of the front green with a synthetic green. The proposals, whilst still being considered by the Council, were enthusiastically endorsed by all of the attending members. Funding for all of the projects, other than the replacement of the green, will be financed by the Council. Costing for the new synthetic green will need to be born by the Club, and relies on loan approval by The Bendigo Bank and Council.
Financial considerations indicate that the costs of maintaining a grass green are considerably greater than those of a synthetic green, and such costs, if no longer needed, would be sufficient to cover the cost of loan repayments for the new green.
Front green replacement completed
Work on the new front green commenced half way through June, and a mere six weeks later, is now completed. Work involved the removal of the grass green and the top soil; installation of additional drainage, and the laying of several levels of fine metal and sand reinforced by cement powder. Once the base was stabilised, more sand was placed on top, and following laser levelling, the synthetic surface was laid.
Photo by Klaus Kutschbach
Edge Concreting Completed
Following the completion of the installation of the new green, the next stage was the replacement of all of the edge concrete around the new green as well as near the front of the building - this has been partially completed.
Photo by Klaus Kutschbach
New Front Green Officially Opened
On Saturday, 29th August,2015, the new synthetic front green at Keysborough Bowls Club was officially opened in time for new season. Representatives from the various bodies that made this possible, including Bendigo Bank, and Greater City of Dandenong Council, were on hand to assist in the cutting of the ribbon, followed by an enthusiastic attempt by most of the official visitors, to "put down a bowl". Most of the visitors did well, and membership forms were offered.
The Keysborough Bowls Club would like to sincerely thank all those, who have worked hard to get the club to this stage. Special thanks go to the Bendigo Bank and the Greater Dandenong Council, for the effort that has gone into the securing the finance, that has enabled the club to replace the grass green with a synthetic green.
There are still further proposals in the pipe-line which will take the club into a new era; these include the redevelopment of the front verandah, replacement of the BBQ near the back green, and, with some luck, lighting on the back green.
New BBQ Installed and Commissioned
Late September, early October 2015, the Council installed a new electric barbeque at considerable expense. It was immediately christened with the cooking of sausages for the Saturday Pennant competitions. The club's responsibility will be to provide a cover to allow the use of the BBQ in both hot and wet weather. This is being built by the members - see next photo..
Work on Front Verandah Completed
Another exciting development is the addition to the front of the existing club house of an architect designed verandah (As shown in the architect proposal drawing at the top of this page). The work for this major project commenced on Monday, 14th December. Foundations were dug, and concrete poured to accomodate the steel poles that support the new structure.
The photo on the right shows the steel work for the extended verandah.
Photo by Keith Skuse
Pebblemix Concreting Completed
All of the old concrete at the front of the clubhouse has been removed in preparation for a new large patio consisting entirely of pebblemix.
Preparation for the concrete pour.
The Concrete with Pebblemix goes down
...... and the finished product.
Installation of Glass Balustrading
To separate the players from the spectators and visitors during pennant games, (and make good use of such a great area) it was decided to erect a glass partition, dividing the patio into two distinct zones. The space on the building side will be provided with outdoor tables and chairs, and the area on the player's side will have benches installed.
Tables and Chairs installed
Replacement Fridge for the Bar goes in
This fridge, together with the existing two-door unit, provides the club with ample capacity to cater for upcoming Corporate Events.
The Club's Name in Lights!
Following some protracted discussions, the Council has provided the Club with a superb sign, which lights up at night to let every passerby know that Keysborough Bowls Club is taking it's role seriously
New Score Boards for the Front Green
The Club was fortunate enough to obtain a grant from the Bendigo Bank, to purchase new individual rink scoreboards for the front green, as well as agregate score boards for front and back greens. Using a unique method of displaying the scores, they will soon become second nature to use for those doing the scores.